Петро готує традиційний обід.

Breakdown of Петро готує традиційний обід.

to prepare
the lunch
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Questions & Answers about Петро готує традиційний обід.

What is the role of Петро in the sentence, and in which case is it used?
Петро is the subject of the sentence. It appears in the nominative case, which is used in Ukrainian to indicate the doer of the action.
How is the verb готує conjugated, and what does its form tell us about the action?
Готує is the third person singular form of the imperfective verb готувати in the present tense. This form shows that the action of preparing is either ongoing or habitual rather than completed.
How do традиційний and обід agree with each other in this sentence?
The adjective традиційний is in the masculine singular form, matching the masculine noun обід. In Ukrainian, adjectives must agree with the nouns they modify in gender, number, and case.
What does the adjective традиційний mean in this context?
Традиційний means traditional. It describes the type of meal, indicating that the lunch follows customary or cultural practices typical of a tradition.
Why does обід appear unchanged, and what can you say about its case in this sentence?
Обід functions as the direct object of the verb. In Ukrainian, masculine inanimate nouns have the same form in both the nominative and the accusative cases—hence, although обід is understood as being in the accusative (the object), its form does not change from the nominative.