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Questions & Answers about Вони бажають миру для всіх.
Why is the verb бажають in its particular form?
The verb бажають is in the third person plural present tense because the subject Вони (they) is plural. In Ukrainian, verbs must agree with their subjects in both person and number. Thus, бажають is correctly used to match the subject Вони.
Why is миру in the genitive case instead of the accusative?
In Ukrainian, the verb бажати (to wish or desire) typically governs an object in the genitive case when expressing a wish. Although in English we simply say “wish peace,” Ukrainian requires the object мир to appear in its genitive form—миру—to conform with this grammatical rule.
What does для всіх mean and why is всіх in the genitive case?
The phrase для всіх translates as “for all” or “for everyone.” The preposition для always takes the genitive case in Ukrainian. Therefore, всіх is the genitive plural form of всі (all), which is required after the preposition для.
Can мир ever mean something other than “peace,” and how can I tell which meaning is intended here?
Yes, the word мир can also mean “world” in different contexts. However, in this sentence, the context provided by the verb бажають—which expresses a wish or desire—makes it clear that мир refers to “peace.” Context is key in determining which meaning is intended.
Is the word order in Вони бажають миру для всіх fixed, or can it be rearranged?
Ukrainian allows for a flexible word order due to its inflection-rich structure. The standard order in this sentence is subject (Вони), verb (бажають), object (миру), followed by the prepositional phrase (для всіх). Rearranging these elements can shift the emphasis, but as long as case markings are clear, the overall meaning remains intact.
Are there alternative ways to express the same idea in Ukrainian?
Yes, there are alternative constructions to communicate the same idea. For example, one might say Вони хочуть, щоб у всіх був мир, which also means “They want peace for everyone.” While the structure differs, both sentences convey a desire for peace that applies to all, and the choice between them can depend on stylistic preferences or context.