Мій будинок широкий.

Breakdown of Мій будинок широкий.

the house
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Questions & Answers about Мій будинок широкий.

Why is there no word for "is" in the sentence Мій будинок широкий.?
In Ukrainian, the present tense of the verb to be (бути) is typically omitted. This means that qualities or conditions are stated without an explicit linking verb, so Мій будинок широкий. naturally translates to My house is wide.
Why is the possessive pronoun Мій used instead of Моя or Моє?
Мій is the masculine form of the possessive pronoun used with masculine nouns. Since будинок (house) is a masculine noun, the appropriate form is мій. For feminine nouns you’d use моя, and for neuter nouns, моє.
How do the adjective широкий and the noun будинок agree in this sentence?
Both широкий and будинок are in the masculine, singular, nominative case. In Ukrainian, adjectives must match their nouns in gender, number, and case, and here the agreement ensures that the descriptive quality properly refers to the noun.
Why does the adjective appear after the noun in Мій будинок широкий.?
Ukrainian allows flexibility in word order. While adjectives can come before the noun in attributive positions (like широкий будинок), in this predicative structure the adjective follows the noun. The order emphasizes the description of the subject and is a common stylistic choice.
How would the sentence change if будинок were plural?
If the noun were plural, all related words must agree in number. The sentence would become Мої будинки широкі. Here, Мої is the plural form of мій, будинки is the plural of будинок, and широкі is the plural nominative form of the adjective, maintaining proper grammatical agreement.