Breakdown of Nataka uonyeshe shukrani zako kwa kumwandikia barua ya pongezi.
Questions & Answers about Nataka uonyeshe shukrani zako kwa kumwandikia barua ya pongezi.
The phrase breaks down as follows: • kwa means “by” and indicates the means or method. • kumwandikia is the infinitive form meaning “to write to him/her” (where m is the object marker specifying the recipient). • barua ya pongezi translates to “a letter of congratulations,” with ya acting as a possessive/linking marker. Overall, the phrase means “by writing him/her a letter of congratulations.”
The m- in kumwandikia functions as a pronominal object marker indicating the recipient (i.e., “to him” or “to her”). The construction is as follows: • ku- is the infinitive marker. • m- specifies the person receiving the action. • andika means “to write.” This integrated form clearly shows that the action of writing is directed toward someone in particular.