Я выполняю задания правильно.

Breakdown of Я выполняю задания правильно.

to complete
the task
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Questions & Answers about Я выполняю задания правильно.

What does the subject Я represent in this sentence?
Я stands for "I" in English. It is the first person singular pronoun, indicating that the speaker is referring to themselves.
What does the verb выполняю mean, and from which infinitive is it derived?
Выполняю comes from the infinitive выполнять, which means "to perform," "to carry out," or "to complete." In this sentence, it is conjugated in the first person singular present tense.
What role does the word задания play in the sentence, and what case is it in?
Задания is the direct object of the verb, referring to "assignments" or "tasks." It is the plural of задание and is used in the accusative case. For inanimate nouns like задания, the accusative plural form is typically identical to the nominative plural.
How does the adverb правильно function in the sentence?
Правильно is an adverb meaning "correctly" or "properly." It modifies the verb выполняю by describing the manner in which the assignments are carried out. Its placement at the end of the sentence is a common structure in Russian.
Is the word order in Я выполняю задания правильно typical for Russian, and how flexible is Russian sentence structure?
Yes, the sentence follows the standard Subject-Verb-Object-Adverb order. However, thanks to the use of cases in Russian, word order can be flexible. This means that while the given sentence is perfectly normal, you could rearrange the elements for emphasis or stylistic reasons without changing the overall meaning.