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Questions & Answers about Ужин был вкусный.
What does the noun ужин mean, and what is its grammatical gender in Russian?
Ужин translates to dinner in English. It is a masculine noun, which is why adjectives and past tense forms (such as был and вкусный) must agree with it by using the masculine singular form.
Why is the verb быть present in its past form (был) in this sentence, even though it is often omitted in the present tense in Russian?
In Russian, the verb быть (to be) is typically dropped in the present tense, but when speaking about the past, its form must be explicitly stated. Here, был is the past tense form required for a masculine singular subject, linking ужин with the adjective вкусный.
How does the adjective вкусный agree with the noun ужин in this sentence?
The adjective вкусный is in the masculine singular nominative form. This matches the noun ужин because adjectives in Russian must agree with the nouns they modify in gender, number, and case.
What tense is conveyed by the form был, and how is this form determined in Russian?
The form был is the past tense of быть for a masculine singular subject. In Russian, past tense forms vary by gender and number: был for masculine, была for feminine, было for neuter, and были for plural subjects.
Is the word order in Ужин был вкусный flexible, and would changing it affect the sentence’s meaning?
Russian has a flexible word order due to its rich system of inflections. The standard subject–verb–adjective order in Ужин был вкусный clearly indicates that ужин (dinner) is being described as вкусный (tasty). Altering the order might be used to emphasize a particular element, but the overall meaning would remain largely the same because the grammatical relationships are preserved through the endings.