Breakdown of Marie mange devant la fenêtre.
to eat
la fenêtre
the window
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Questions & Answers about Marie mange devant la fenêtre.
Why is the verb mange used instead of manges?
In French, mange (with -e at the end) is the correct conjugation of the verb manger for the third-person singular (il/elle/on). If the subject were tu, it would be manges instead.
What does devant mean here, and why not avant?
Devant means "in front of" in a spatial sense ("before" something physically). Avant usually refers to time ("before" an event). So, Marie mange devant la fenêtre means Marie is physically in front of the window, not that she is eating before some event.
Why do we use la fenêtre instead of une fenêtre?
The definite article la implies a particular, known window. If the speaker assumes the listener knows which window they are referring to, la fenêtre is appropriate. If it was any window in general, une fenêtre could be used.
How is mange pronounced, and are there any silent letters?
Mange is pronounced roughly like "mahnzh" in English. The final -e is not pronounced as a full vowel, so it ends on a soft "zh" sound. The -g- before the -e creates the soft "zh" sound, and the -e at the end is silent.
Could we say en face de la fenêtre instead of devant la fenêtre?
While en face de la fenêtre also means "facing the window," it often implies being directly opposite or facing it directly. Devant la fenêtre simply conveys being in front of the window, possibly closer or in a more casual location. Both can make sense, but they emphasize slightly different nuances of position.
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