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Questions & Answers about La soupe est chaude.
Why is the article la used instead of le or un?
In French, nouns can be either masculine or feminine. Soupe is a feminine noun, so the feminine article la is required. Using le (masculine) or un (indefinite) would be incorrect for this noun.
Why does the adjective end in -e (chaude) rather than chaud?
Adjectives in French must agree in gender and number with the noun they describe. Because soupe is feminine, chaud becomes chaude (adding an -e to mark the feminine form).
Does the structure of the sentence change if we were to say something else is hot?
Not really. You would follow the same pattern: the noun (with its article), then est (the present tense of être), then the correctly gendered form of chaud. For instance, Le thé est chaud (if talking about masculine thé, or tea).
Why do we use est here instead of other French verbs like avoir?
The verb être (to be) describes the state or condition of something. In this case, it indicates the soup is hot. Avoir (to have) is used in different contexts (for possession or idiomatic expressions like avoir faim – to be hungry), so it wouldn’t fit for describing the soup’s temperature.
Is it acceptable to use any other adjective for temperature, like tiède?
Yes, if you want to describe it as lukewarm or warm, you could say La soupe est tiède. The sentence structure remains the same, just replace chaude with another temperature-related adjective that agrees in gender and number.
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