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Questions & Answers about Marie se lève maintenant.
Why is there a se before lève?
In French, se lever is a reflexive verb, meaning literally “to raise oneself.” When you say Marie se lève, you’re saying that Marie gets herself up. Reflexive verbs always include a reflexive pronoun (me, te, se, etc.) that matches the subject.
Can I just say Marie lève?
Not in this context. Marie lève would mean “Marie raises” (something), suggesting that she lifts an object instead of getting up herself. To indicate that she is getting up, you need the reflexive form, Marie se lève.
Can I place maintenant elsewhere in the sentence?
Yes, placement of time expressions in French is flexible. You could say Maintenant, Marie se lève or Marie se lève maintenant. Native speakers commonly put it after the verb, but it’s perfectly acceptable to put it at the beginning for emphasis.
Is se lever only used for waking up, or also for standing up?
Se lever can mean both getting out of bed and simply standing up from a seated or lying position. Context usually clarifies which meaning is intended. If you specifically mean waking up, you might use se réveiller.
Are there other common reflexive verbs like se lever?
Yes. Examples include s’habiller (“to get dressed”), se laver (“to wash oneself”), se brosser (“to brush oneself [hair/teeth]”), and se coucher (“to go to bed”). These all follow the same pattern of including a reflexive pronoun that matches the subject.
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