Bogen er let at læse.

Breakdown of Bogen er let at læse.

to be
to read
the book
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Questions & Answers about Bogen er let at læse.

What does each word in Bogen er let at læse mean and how do they function grammatically?
  • Bogen means the book. Notice that Danish often attaches the definite article as a suffix (here -en) rather than using a separate word.
  • Er is the present tense of the verb to be, so it translates as is.
  • Let means easy, indicating that the book does not present much difficulty.
  • At læse is an infinitive phrase meaning to read. Together, it completes the idea that the book is easy for reading.
How is definiteness expressed in the word Bogen?
In Danish, definiteness is usually shown by adding a suffix to the noun rather than using a separate word. Here, the root bog (meaning book) receives the definite ending -en, forming bogen, which translates to the book.
What role does the infinitive marker at play in the sentence?
The word at in Danish functions similarly to the English to in infinitives. It signals that læse is in its base form (the infinitive), thereby conveying the idea to read. This construction is used after adjectives, like let, to indicate that something is easy to perform.
Why is the adjective let used in this context instead of another synonym like nem?
Although both let and nem can translate as easy or simple in English, let is specifically used in contexts that imply minimal effort is required for an activity—in this case, reading. This nuance makes let more appropriate when describing a task that is not challenging to do.
How does the sentence structure of Bogen er let at læse compare to that of English sentences like The book is easy to read?

The Danish sentence follows a similar word order to its English equivalent:

  • Subject: Bogen (The book)
  • Verb: er (is)
  • Adjective: let (easy)
  • Infinitive phrase: at læse (to read)

This structure is straightforward and parallels the typical English construction, making it relatively accessible for English speakers.

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