Usages of festen
Jeg planlægger en fest i weekenden.
I am planning a party this weekend.
Jeg modtog en invitation til en stor fest i storbyen.
I received an invitation to a big party in the metropolis.
Lav pandekager til festen, så alle kan smage dem!
Make pancakes for the party, so everyone can taste them!
Vi forbereder maden dagen før festen.
We prepare the food the day before the party.
Festen gik galt, fordi musikken var for høj.
The party went wrong because the music was too loud.
Jeg vil bekræfte min deltagelse i festen, så vi kan aftale en god afslutning på aftenen.
I will confirm my attendance at the party, so we can plan a good ending to the evening. is an online learning platform
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