German 14 - Das gleiche vs. das Gleiche vs. dasselbe

the same mander gleiche Mann
a similar looking man

on a second thought... derselbe Mann might have been a better choice, since talking about people you rather specify that someone was exactly the same person, that you have seen before...

the same one talking about a man, or a masculine nounder Gleiche
the same womandie gleiche Frau
Everything clear?Alles klar?
the telephonedas Telefon
I have the same phone as you. The phone is of the same brandIch habe das gleiche Telefon wie du.
the T-shirtdas T-Shirt
to wear; to carrytragen
I wear the same T shirt as he. The T-shirt is of the same brand and colorIch trage das gleiche T-Shirt wie er.
the samedasselbe
I wear the same T shirt as he. We literally share a T-shirtIch trage dasselbe T-Shirt wie er.
I eat the same as yesterday. I cooked the same dish again.Ich esse das Gleiche wie gestern.
I eat the same as yesterday. I am having leftovers.Ich esse dasselbe wie gestern.
the same one talking about a woman, or a feminine noundie Gleiche
