Spanish Tompkins

—Quiero comer una pizza entera. —le digo a mi mamá.
"I want to eat an entire pizza." I say to my mom.
"I want to eat an entire pizza." I scream to my mom.
"You need to eat an entire pizza." I say to my mom.
Un coche cuesta mucho.
A car costs a lot
Después de comer, van a la caja para pagar la cuenta.
After eating, they go to the cash register to pay the bill.
Ana decide tomar un café caliente en el café del pueblo.
Ana decides to drink a hot coffee in the town's café.
Carlos no cree que vamos a mirar la tele antes de ir al trabajo.
Carlos cannot believe (that) we are going to watch TV before going to work.
la tele = TV
Carlos olvida comprar la leche en el supermercado.
Carlos forgets to buy milk at the store.
¿Tú piensas que es correcto o no?
Do you think it's correct or not?
Do we think it's correct or not?
Do you work for it to be correct?
¿Quieres un helado de chocolate?
Do you want a chocolate ice cream?
Yo puedo tocar la guitarra muy bien.
I can play the guitar very well
Vengo de los Estados Unidos.
I come from the US.
I go to the US.
We come from the US.
Tengo que ir a casa.
I have to go home.
I think that I am going home.
I want to go home.
Me gusta aprender español en la escuela.
I like to learn Spanish at school.
Yo duermo muy bien cuando estoy cansado.
I sleep very well when I am tired
Juan debe estudiar para el examen mañana.
Juan has to study for the exam tomorrow.
Juan trata de aprender a tocar el clarinete.
Juan tries to learn to play the clarinet.
María pasa el día en la playa con sus amigos.
Maria spends the day at the beach with her friends.
Marta decide ofrecer pan y vegetales al jefe.
Marta decides to offer bread and vegetables to the boss.
Pedro decide buscar un libro en la biblioteca antes de estudiar.
Pedro decides to look for a book in the library before studying.
Por favor, abre la puerta cerca de la silla.
Please, open the door near the chair.
Repite, por favor.
Repeat, please.
Ella vuelve a casa después de la escuela.
She returns home after school.
She runs home after school.
She returns a call after school.
She sees her home after school.
El perro anda felizmente por el parque al lado de la mujer.
The dog walks happily through the park next to the woman.
Cierran el súper a las 9 de la noche.
They close the store at 9pm.
They smile at the restaurant at 9pm.
We close the store at 9pm.
We smile at the restaurant at 9pm.
All these masalas, but you can't spice up my life (give any spice to my life.)
Todas estas masalas, pero no puedes dar ningún sabor a mi vida.
All these watches, but you don't have any time.
Todos estos relojes, pero no tienes ningún tiempo.
El reloj - watch
Nosotros recordamos la primera parte de la música.
We remember the first part of the music.
We speak the first part of the music.
We use the first part of the music.
Cuando Eliberto mira el menú, busca comida deliciosa para comer.
When Eliberto looks at the menu, he looks for delicious food to eat.
Cuando estudio, escucho música para concentrarme.
When I study, I listen to music to concentrate.
Cuando hablo con mi mamá sobre el plan para las vacaciones (for the holidays), ella responde que vamos a visitar a los abuelos.
When I talk to my mom about the plan for the holidays, she responds that we are going to visit the grandparents.
Cuando caminan por el parque, un hombre toca música bonita.
When they walk through the park, a man plays beautiful music.
Tú encuentras tu teléfono en tu coche.
You find your phone in your car.
You understand your phone in your car.
You laugh at your telegram in your car.
Tú pides una pizza de pepperoni en el restaurante.
You order a pepperoni pizza in the restaurant.
Tú /pides/ something from a waiter.
Tú juegas al fútbol con tus amigos.
You play football with your friends.
You eat footballs with your friends.
We play football with our friends.
Él siente feliz cuando está con sus gatos.
He feels happy when he is with his cats.
¿Cuántas veces pierdes tu teléfono al día?
How many times do you lose your phone per day?
Mi hermana (sister) prefiere la ciencia sobre la historia.
My sister prefers science over history.
La camarera sirve la comida en el restaurante.
The waitress serves the food in the restaurant.
All this clothing, but you are never going to change.
Toda esta ropa, pero nunca vas a cambiar/no vas a cambiar nunca.
La ropa - clothing, clothes
All these chargers, but you can't give me 100%.
Todos estos cargadores, pero nunca me puedes dar el 100% (cien por ciento)/pero no me puedes dar el 100% nunca.
El cargador - charger
Los árboles (trees) cambian de color en octubre y mueren en diciembre.
Trees change color in October and die in December.
Empezamos el día con un desayuno grande.
We start the day with a big breakfast.
Al entrar al supermercado, Ricardo mira la lista de compras.
While walking into the store, Ricardo looks at the shopping list.
Vosotros entendéis perfectamente el concepto.
You understand the concept perfectly.