homework, assignment
Part of speech
Usages of ödev
Okuldan eve geldikten sonra ödevini yap.
Do your homework after coming home from school.
Oynamadan önce ödevini bitir.
Finish your homework before playing.
Ödevlerini yapmalısın.
You must do your homework.
You might be wondering why we used the plural here.
If you say "Ödevini yapmalısın.", it sounds like you are referring to a specific homework assignment.
If you say "Ödevlerini yapmalısın.", you are talking about homework in general.
Ödevini yapsan futbol oynayabiliriz.
If you do your homework we can play soccer.
Ödevi kendi kendinize yapmalısınız.
You should do the homework by yourselves.
İnşallah ödevini yapmıştır.
Hopefully she did her homework.
Ödevini iki gün içinde bitirmelisin.
You should finish your homework within two days.
Bitmeyen bir ödev yüzünden dinlenemiyorum.
I can't rest because of an unending (piece of) homework.
Ödev veren edebiyat öğretmenini sevmem.
I don't like the literature teacher who gives homework.
Yapacağın ödevim
My homework that you will do
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