
Usages of 〜koto

〜こと が できる〜koto ga dekiru
to be able to; to be possible to
かん を めること は できません。jikan o tomerukoto wa dekimasen.
(You) cannot stop time.
Using は in this sentence might be more suitable because it is more all-encompassing than が (it implies that no one can stop time), while が is more specific and might refer to something like being unable to stop time on a personal capacity.
〜こと が ある〜koto ga aru
to have done (before)
フルート を くこと は わたし の しゅ です。furuuto o fukukoto wa watashi no shumi desu.
Playing the flute is my hobby.
この なつ、 かいがいりょこう を すること に する。kono natsu, kaigairyokou o surukoto ni suru.
I've decided to travel abroad this summer.
もう お を べないこと に する。mou okashi o tabenaikoto ni suru.
I've decided not to eat sweets anymore.
この ゲーム は、 カード を くこと から はじまります。kono geemu wa, kaado o hikukoto kara hajimarimasu.
This game starts by drawing cards.

In this context, から indicates a starting point or origin. When we say カードを引くことから始まります, it literally means it starts from the act of drawing cards, emphasizing the point at which the action begins.

This usage of から highlights the sequence of events or actions, with the act of drawing cards being the initial step in the game.

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