Tu aimes le fromage, n'est-ce pas?
You like cheese, right?
Part of speech
Breakdown of Tu aimes le fromage, n'est-ce pas?
to like
le fromage
the cheese
n'est-ce pas
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Questions & Answers about Tu aimes le fromage, n'est-ce pas?
Why do we use "tu" instead of "vous"?
Tu is the singular informal pronoun used when addressing someone you know well—like a friend, family member, or someone your age in a casual setting. Vous is more formal or plural.
What does "n'est-ce pas?" mean and why is it used here?
N'est-ce pas? literally translates to "isn't it?" or "right?" It’s a tag added at the end of a sentence to confirm that the listener agrees or to ask for confirmation in a polite way.
Why is the definite article "le" used before "fromage"?
When talking about something in general (like cheese in general), French uses the definite article le, la, or les, whereas English typically omits it. In Tu aimes le fromage, it means you like cheese as a general concept or category.
Can I just say "Tu aimes le fromage?" without "n'est-ce pas?"
Yes, you can. Tu aimes le fromage ? is a straightforward question. Adding n'est-ce pas ? simply turns it into a tag question, suggesting you already think the person likes cheese and you want them to confirm.
Is there a difference in pronunciation or intonation when asking this question?
Yes. Generally, Tu aimes le fromage ? would have a rising intonation at the end. With Tu aimes le fromage, n'est-ce pas ?, the intonation might rise slightly on fromage but fall on n'est-ce pas ?, indicating you expect agreement.
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