Japanese 349 - The particle なあ

versatile and expressive particle often used in conversational Japanese to convey a range of emotions, from reflection and emphasis to longing and admiration
This is delicious!
しい なあ。oishii naa.

なあ is used here to express emotional emphasis

It's so beautiful.
きれい だ なあ。kirei da naa.

なあ is used here to express emotional emphasis

It's hot, isn't it?
あつい なあ。atsui naa.

なあ is used here to seek agreement or confirmation

He's kind, don't you think?
かれ は やさしい なあ。kare wa yasashii naa.

なあ is used here to seek agreement or confirmation

It's a difficult problem.
むずかしい もんだい だ なあ。muzukashii mondai da naa.

なあ is used here to express reflection or thoughtfulness

I'm thinking...
かんがえる なあ。。。kangaeru naa...

なあ is used here to express reflection or thoughtfulness

There's not enough time, is there.
かん が りない なあ。jikan ga tarinai naa.

なあ is used here to both express reflectiveness and seek confirmation

I want to travel again.
また りょこうしたい なあ。mata ryokoushitai naa.

なあ is used here to express desire or longing

I wish I were young again.
わかかった なあ。wakakatta naa.

なあ is used here to express desire or longing

I wonder if we can meet again.
また える か なあ。mata aeru ka naa.

なあ is used here to express a mix of desire and reflectiveness

It's all right now, I guess.
もう だいじょう だ なあ。mou daijoubu da naa.

なあ is used here to express a soft, reflective assertion

trustworthy; able to be trusted
しんらい できるshinrai dekiru

The structure [noun] + できる is a common way to express the ability or possibility related to the noun. This construction turns the noun into an adjective describing the noun that follows.

He's a trustworthy person, I'd say.
かれ は しんらい できる ひと だ なあ。kare wa shinrai dekiru hito da naa.

なあ is used here to express a soft, reflective assertion
