franklin 4 - New lesson

an accent on a vowel such as á, é, í, ó, ú are long vowels. (write long vowel down below to go the next question)
long vowel
þ is equivalent to the english th sound in "that" or "this"(write english th down below to continue)
english th
Æ is pronounced like the e in cafe or the a in play (write like e in cafe to continue)
like e in cafe
ö is pronounced like the ew in new but with the the lips more rounded(write ö to continue)
the letter ð is pronounced like an english j (type j to continue)
How do you say I eat potatoes
min borlus potros
by adding s to the end of a word it makes it plural for example portro=potato potros=potatoes write potro to continue
what is the plural marker