Turkish 130 - Hakkında and its variations

The word hakkında means about, on (a subject). We use this word after the actual subject since Turkish has postpositions:

Seks hakkındaAbout sex
Öğrenciler hakkındaAbout the students
Kamil hakkındaAbout Kamil

When hakkında is used with personal pronouns, it is conjugated accordingly with the pronoun. Let's see:

First personbenim hakkımdabizim hakkımızda
Second personsenin hakkındasizin hakkınızda
Third persononun hakkındaonların/onlar1 hakkında

1One exception is the third person plural pronoun. In many cases, including 'hakkında', native speakers just drop the genitive marker, as if it's a proper noun. You will see other examples of this in following lessons.
